Extra Volume

As Dew Water Filtration System provides over 30,000 litres of clean, pure and tasty filtered drinking water, which is over five times the capacity of traditional water filtration systems capacity of 4 to 6,000 litres.

But why do we need such a large volume of filtered water?

Water is essential to maintain healthy body. Studies have confirmed that on an average every individual require 15 litres of good filtered water every day for drinking, cooking, making coffee, tea cooking soup plus other general kitchen preparations including washing vegetables and fruits.

Therefore, a family of four will need about 20,000 litres of good filtered water each year, which traditional water filtration system simply cannot supply.

As Dew Water Filtration System utilizes unique patented filtration cartridge designed and built on multi-layers with each layer consisting of differently sized pores which greatly increases the capacity of filtered cartridge without compromising the quality.

As Dew Water Filter Cartridges

During the laboratory testing for residue chlorine reduction, the Traditional Filter Cartridges were only able to have maximum of 90% chlorine reduction ability, which further came down to 85% after 4,000 litres. The figures of As Dew Water Filtration Cartridges stood at 100% for up to almost 30,000 litres.

You and your family deserve good clean water, not only for drinking but also for cooking and washing fruits and vegetables. This is vital for enjoying good health and living a disease-free life.

As Dew Water Filtration System provides the extra volume your family need to enjoy healthy, clean and tasty water everyday.

As Dew Water Filter Cartridges

During the laboratory testing for residue chlorine reduction, the Traditional Filter Cartridges were only able to have maximum of 90% chlorine reduction ability, which further came down to 85% after 4,000 litres. The figures of As Dew Water Filtration Cartridges stood at 100% for up to almost 30,000 litres.

You and your family deserve good clean water, not only for drinking but also for cooking and washing fruits and vegetables. This is vital for enjoying good health and living a disease-free life.

As Dew Water Filtration System provides the extra volume your family need to enjoy healthy, clean and tasty water everyday.